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Crime Fiction: Bloody Martini
by William Kotzwinkle

March 13, 2023 J. Kingston Pierce 0

(Editor’s note: This review comes from Steven Nester, host of Poets of the Tabloid Murder, a weekly Internet radio show heard on the Public Radio Exchange [PRX]. Nester is also a New York-based freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Rap Sheet, Mystery Scene and Firsts Magazine. He last wrote for January Magazine about Wallace Johnson’s 2018 non-fiction book, The Feather Thief.) American writer William Kotzwinkle won plentiful praise for his wryly humorous 2021 […]

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Crime Fiction: Spillane: King of Pulp Fiction by Max Allan Collins and James L. Traylor

February 16, 2023 J. Kingston Pierce 0

“The chewing gum of American literature” is how crime novelist Mickey Spillane described his books, which typically blended eye-for-an-eye justice with risqué innuendos and granite-chinned philosophizing (“Too many times naked women and death walked side by side”). And boy, did readers eat up his fiction, making his first Mike Hammer private-eye yarn, 1947’s I, the Jury, into a best-seller that spawned a dozen sequels and turned its protagonist into a radio, film, and TV fixture. […]

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Non-Fiction: The 6-Step Leadership Challenge by Jim Saliba

February 7, 2023 admin 0

At a time when the tech industry is being slammed with layoffs in mass numbers, Jim Saliba is helping leaders to navigate the recession with the ground-breaking strategies laid out in his new book, The 6-Step Leadership Challenge. Saliba is a certified coach, trainer, and public speaker with over thirty years of experience in the leadership world. His began as a software engineer before being promoted to management in the IT industry, where he eventually […]

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Biography: If You See Me by Pepé Willie

February 1, 2023 admin 0

With If You See Me: My Six Decade Journey in Rock and Roll, renowned musician, producer, and author, Pepé Willie, presents a deeply personal look into the music industry. This captivating memoir offers an intimate look into the life and career of one of the industry’s most respected figures, providing readers with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Through candid anecdotes and personal reflections, Willie takes readers on a journey through his six decades in […]

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Fiction: The Incredible Journey of Lacey Starr and Mabel Brown by Perry Dantes

February 1, 2023 admin 0

Perry Dantes was born in Aleksandrów Kujawski, Poland. His new book, The Incredible Journey of Lacey Starr and Mabel Brown is a gripping historical fiction that centers around two women, Lacey and Mabel, who set off in pursuit of stardom but when the Second World War begins, they find much more. The Incredible Journey of Lacey Starr and Mabel Brown is a historical novel about pre-World War II and the first two years of the […]

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Non-Fiction: Post-Traumatic Thriving by Randall Bell

January 10, 2023 admin 0

In Post-Traumatic Thriving, Dr. Randall Bell weaves science and academic research with true stories from survivors of the Holocaust, crime, disasters, addictions, depression, death and other tragedies to explore the rare thriver’s mindset. “The science is so good in terms of the brain neurology and understanding what we go through when we go through trauma and the five stages of grief,” Dr. Bell said. “But the science is also spectacular when it comes to the […]

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Biography: Spare by Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex

January 10, 2023 News Editor 0

Today, finally is the day. And you don’t need us to tell you about it. If you’ve picked up a newspaper or magazine, listened to a podcast or read news online, there’s no way you didn’t hear about it, Spare, Prince Harry’s tell-all book — who everyone has been talking  about for a week — went on sale today. Far be it from us to add promotion where certainly none is needed. But we thought […]

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This Just In… Bane of All Things by Leo Valiquette

January 10, 2023 News Editor 0

In Bane of All Things we arrive to the Four Kingdoms. Here the Holy Clerisy preaches that the gods are dead, and prayer is the path to Hell. Anyone who defies doctrine is punished for heresy. But blind faith can damn a soul as surely as betrayal. One bitter winter’s night, Ryn Ruscroft, once sworn to serve as the Clerisy’s loyal soldier, finds himself torn between conscience and duty. Those slain include his best friend, […]

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Russell Banks Dies at 82

January 9, 2023 News Editor 0

  Russell Banks, author of Cloudsplitter, The Sweet Hereafter, and many others, has died at age 82. Banks’ agent, Ellen Levine, confirmed his death from cancer on January 8th. Remembering Banks on Twitter, the great documentarian Ken Burns remarked that, “Russell Banks was one of our greatest writers, with a keen understanding of how space and race influenced our history and literature, something he also said about Mark Twain in this clip from our film […]

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Non-Fiction: The Trifecta of Joy by Tanya Gill

December 16, 2022 admin 0

Tanya Gill is a registered social worker, speaker, podcaster, author, and life success coach who has helped many people transform their lives. In The Trifecta of Joy: Help Yourself in A World of Change, Gill brings readers her stories, and strategies for self-help. Gill refers to her book as the self-help book for people who know there must be more, want it now, and want it to be easy. In The Trifecta of Joy Gill […]