January Interview: Dietrich Kalteis

September 18, 2018 Linda L. Richards 0

When Dietrich Kalteis’ Zero Avenue came out in 2017, I remarked on The Rap Sheet that I’d once heard author Owen Laukannen describe Kalteis’ writing as being like “jazz on the page.” If you want to boil Kalteis’ work down very tightly, for me descriptions just don’t get any better than that. Kalteis’ voice is taut, tight, and if it were any more noir, it would be too dark to see. With all of that, […]

January Interview: Sam Wiebe

September 5, 2018 Linda L. Richards 1

  Last year, I waxed poetic about Sam Wiebe’s sophomore novel, Invisible Dead, in The Rap Sheet’s Best of the Year feature. As I said then, in that book Wiebe worked with just about all of the tropes of crime fiction and turned them around, pulling them masterfully beyond the cliché. That was the first book featuring Vancouver, Canada-based Dave Wakeland, an ex-cop turned private eye. In 2018’s Cut You Down, we meet Dave again […]

January Interview: Ann Cleeves

July 3, 2018 admin 0

In the tradition of the very best of overnight sensations, Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland Island and Vera Stanhope novels, was an overnight sensation. It’s just that it took 20 years. labored away in relative obscurity for a long time before being recognized as one of crime fiction’s leading voices. Cleeves’ first novel, A Bird in the Hand, was published in 1986, so she’s been at the game a very long time. The Seagull, […]

Authors on Snacks: Clea Simon

January 29, 2018 admin 0

Does creativity have a taste? And, if it does, is it salty or sweet? Does it come in a bag or a can? Do you spend hours in the kitchen preparing it, or do you pick up the phone? The fuels of creativity can take many forms and what authors use for that fuel varies starkly from writer to writer. January Magazine’s “Authors on Snacks” isn’t a judgment. Rather it’s a personal peek at what […]

Fiction: He  by John Connolly

September 7, 2017 admin 0

I am a lover of the vignette, the anecdote, the ability of the raconteur, that’s why I enjoy the company of writers. They often have interesting stories to tell; stories that promote thinking, provoke thought and examine the absurdity of existence. I sent the author John Connolly an e-mail letter of thanks for the sheer pleasure that I am experiencing listening to Audible’s unabridged edition of  Connolly’s latest novel, he. he is a heavily researched […]

January Interview: Roisin O’Donnell

July 13, 2016 admin 0

by Hubert O’Hearn Let’s imagine a scene together. You’ve received an invitation to a swank literary event, one of those champagne and piano evenings where the conversation is all dry wit and sincere chuckling; hands are kissed, cuffs are linked, and may I say you’ve never looked lovelier? You wander through the room, not quite sure who to talk to but finally somewhere near the Utrillo hanging above the cheese selection you find yourself chatting […]