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Non-Fiction: Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Sense of Growing Food in America by Beth Hoffman

October 11, 2021 admin 0

In 2019, half of America’s two million farms made less than $300. For Beth Hoffman, a journalist who’d spent decades reporting on food and agriculture, the hard financial truths of farming became painfully clear after she and her husband packed up their life in San Francisco and moved to a 530-acre farm owned by his family in Iowa. Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Sense of Growing Food in America is a compelling and deeply […]

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This Just In… Once Upon A Murderous Delusion by A.G. Russo

October 11, 2021 News Editor 0

A small, sleepy New England town in 1980. Out of nowhere, a series of devastating murders threaten the safety and well-being of the community. A serial killer has begun a deadly game of catch-me-if-you-can with local police, who have dubbed the carnage, “The Mommy Murders.” Frightened residents are certain the violent rape/murders are in some way connected to the psychiatric unit of Parkhirst General Hospital. Nella, a nurse angst-ridden by her service during the Vietnam […]

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Hamilton Wayzgoose Will Bring Type to Virtual Life in November

October 10, 2021 admin 0

The 13th Annual Hamilton Wayzgoose is a virtual event scheduled for Friday, November 5 and Saturday, November 6, 2021. The conference will feature keynotes, speakers and workshop leaders including E.M. Ginger, an editor and author who has worked with fine and rare books and scholarly material for five decades; Alice Savoie, independent type designer and researcher based in France; Radha Pandey, papermaker and letterpress printer and several others. The keynote speakers and presenters scheduled throughout […]