Cookbooks: Shake Shack Recipes and Stories
by Randy Garutti, Mark Rosati and Dorothy Kalins

May 17, 2017 admin 0

Is it a comment on Shake Shack (the burger phenomenon) or Clarkson Potter (the publisher) that Shake Shack Recipes and Stories looks and feels so good despite a dodgy pedigree? That is to say that those who love Shake Shack love it completely, but let’s keep it real: it’s a burger place no matter how you apply the pickles. And yet this is a proper cookbook. With the elegance and completeness we have come to […]

Review: Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson

April 17, 2007 admin 0

Today, in January’s crime fiction section, Karen G. Anderson looks at Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson. Says Anderson: Kindness Goes Unpunished is at its strongest when author Johnson writes about the dark tensions among families and friends, and describes the uneasy alliances he forges with the flamboyant Moretti clan. With their stern detective father, the parents’ troubled marriage and the five siblings — four of them cops — the Morettis deserve a Philly-based series […]