No matter what else you hear about the upcoming Carrie Fisher biography, Carrie Fisher: A Life on the Edge (Sarah Crichton Books) the family isn’t amused.
The book, out November 12, is by Sheila Weller who is the author of several books, most notably 2008’s Girls Like Us (Atria) about rock legends Carole King, Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon. And while reviewers have thus far been generous, Bryan Lourd, Fisher’s one time boyfriend and the father of her daughter, actress Billie Lourd (Scream Queens, American Horror Story) is displeased about the book.
In a statement sent to Deadline Hollywood, Lourd said that a, “person named Sheila Weller has taken it upon herself to sell and write an unauthorized biography based on my daughter’s mother, Carrie Fisher. I do not know Ms. Weller. Billie does not know Ms. Weller. And, to my knowledge, Carrie did not know her. Ms. Weller sold this book on her own without our involvement.”
In her own defense, Weller told the Los Angeles Times she had contacted Fisher’s family several times, without reply:
She claims she first reached out in March 2017 and again several months later.
“I was turned down — but in a gracious email — the first time, and invited to re-inquire later. My two follow-ups met with no response,” Weller said.
While Lourds candidly stated that he had not read Weller’s biography of Fisher, his opinion was strong… and touching.
The only books about Carrie Fisher worth reading are the ones Carrie wrote herself. She perfectly told us everything we needed to know.
Fisher died late in 2016. ◊
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