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Crime Fiction: All the Sinners Bleed
by S.A. Cosby

June 9, 2023 J. Kingston Pierce 0

Cosby’s rise through the crime fiction firmament has been meteoric. Three years ago, he was virtually unknown, working for his wife’s Virginia funeral parlor and dreaming of literary notice. Now, after two award-winning releases — Blacktop Wasteland and Razorblade Tears — he’s just a couple of rooms shy of being a household name, his prose celebrated for its poetic undertones, the endemic violence of his plots accepted as essential to portraying the bigotry that still plagues Southern rural […]

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Non-Fiction: The Way We Were: The Making of a Romantic Classic by Tom Santopietro

June 5, 2023 Tony Buchsbaum 0

The Way We Were is one of my favorite movies. What’s not to love? It’s got Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford at the top of their games. It’s got the timeless, Oscar-winning song by Marvin Hamlisch and Marilyn and Alan Bergman. It has Hamlisch’s lush, Oscar-winning score, plus 1950s-era politics; and rich, juicy dollops of romance as the two ill-fated opposites attract each other.  I was eager to read a book about how the movie […]

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Non-Fiction: Threats: Designing for Security by Adam Shostack

June 4, 2023 admin 0

“We can’t secure our systems if threats are mysterious or poorly understood,” writes Adam Shostack, author of Threats: Designing for Security. “This book gives every engineer foundational knowledge in a structured, accessible and fun way. My students come in with incredibly variable knowledge — bringing everyone to the same level is so important as security becomes a first-class engineering requirement.” Shostack’s book is not for everyone, but in a world where cybersecurity is a large […]

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Working Through the Banned

June 3, 2023 admin 0

Over the past 90 days, there has been an increase in searches for “banned books,” “banned book list,” and “list of banned books.” These types of searches have also increased over the last year. Trending book titles include The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The interest in banned books can reflect the current political climate and increased censorship in America’s public […]

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Fear of Living

June 3, 2023 News Editor 0

Everyone is looking for the perfect creative space, but it’s not unthinkable that Fear of Flying (1973) author Erica Jong’s Upper East Side New York apartment might fit the bill for a number of creators: if you can get past the $4.25 million dollar price tag, that is.“Located in the coveted Imperial House building on the Upper East Side,” says Top Ten Real Estate Deals, “the 3,000-square-foot apartment boasts specta cular Central Park and skyline […]