Holiday Gift Guide








Nothing says it like a book. Seriously. With careful selection, a book covers everything. From all angles.

Shopping for someone special? Someone you know better than anyone else does? Nothing will let them know that like the gift of a book.

Shopping for someone you don’t know very well at all? Want them to feel cared about? Emotionally invested in? Nothing says that like a book.

Shopping for someone you won’t see over the holidays? Someone whose gift you’ll have to mail and you’re afraid if you send a vase or a bottle of Champagne or a blown glass statue of Scrooge, it might break? Nothing gets it there safely like a book.

Shopping for yourself? Because you need a treat. Actually, you need a trip, but whose got that kind of money, that kind of time? But a trip for the mind? Nothing will accomplish that quite like a book.

Even though selecting a gift book can’t help but be subjective, we’ve combed through the stacks and chosen the books we’d most like to get -- and give -- in art & culture, children’s books, cookbooks, crime fiction, fiction and non-fiction. We hope our lists help spark some ideas.

As usual, we’ve included links to the online bookseller, Amazon, but this is not necessarily intended to help you purchase. Rather our readers tell us that the Amazon buying pages put all the necessary information together in one place. Feel free to print the Amazon page and carry it with you when you visit your favorite independent bookstore to make your purchases. While there, make sure you linger in the stacks to take a taste of prose here, a hit of adventure there. As always, the idea of our holiday gift guide feature isn't to convince you to buy these books, but rather to make sure you keep book buying near the top of the your to-do list: not just during the holidays, but all year.

We hope you enjoy this year's January Magazine holiday gift guide. We've certainly worked hard putting it together. But if you take only one thing away from it, our work will be justified: there is no better gift than a book, no matter where it's purchased or what time of year.

Happy reading, through the holidays and always. | December 2007

Art & Culture Gift Books Cookbooks Crime Fiction gift books Fiction Gift Books Children's Gift Books Non-Fiction Gift Books