Non-Fiction: Online Marketing for Busy Authors by Fauzia Burke

More often than not, first time authors get a real shock. Writing a book worth reading is a very difficult task. And once the book is complete, it’s easy for an author to say, “Well, that was hard. But now I’m done.” The fact is, though, these days, writing “The End” just leads to a new beginning. Or, as51jFxGdwxGL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_ many authors will tell you, once the book is done, the real work begins.

When it comes to marketing books online, no one knows this better than Fauzia Burke. Burke has ben deeply involved in the marketing of books since there was an “online” in which to market them. Burke was a pioneer. Her FSB Associates, founded in 1995, was one of the first companies to specialize in digital branding and online publicity for books. By Burke’s own count, FSB has launched a couple of thousand online book campaigns and the authors offered include some of the very biggest in the business.

Burke’s new Online Marketing for Busy Authors (Berrett-Koehler) is a step-by-step guide for authors managing their own online campaign. Burke begins with the premise that the Internet has been a great equalizer for authors, in some ways, putting them on equal ground with the superstars. Burke covers this ground matter of factly, with a true expert’s intimate knowledge of… well, everything you need to know.

Online Marketing for Busy Authors is designed to be a whole campaign for your new book and even includes some workbook elements. As she remarks in her Introduction, “Together, we will figure out the best use of your time and the best way to engage with your specific readers.”

If you are planning on marketing a book on your own, this slender volume will do much to get you headed in the right direction. ◊

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